Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Top 50 Update

I'm actually on schedule to begin on July 1, as previously planned and announced. I've narrowed the list down to 50, and I've even ranked them in order. Believe me, that was a lot harder than it sounds.

Truth be told, the only pick that I was absolutely certain about was #1. Take it from #2 to about #20, and you probably could convince me - after a few drinks, perhaps - to put them in any damn order. And that's probably OK - because after narrowing it down to that point, I realized that every single one of those albums was pretty damn special. Many of them are considered all-time classics, and several of them clocked in at #1 on the Village Voice Pazz & Jop poll - still, even post-Christgau, the best barometer of what the critical establishment is saying about the world of music at any given moment.

So now the task is to write something cogent (and hopefully entertaining) about every one of the Top 50. We'll see how that goes - but that's exactly why I've given myself a month's head start to get rolling. If things go well, I might even begin before the 1st.

We shall see.

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