Friday, January 13, 2012

American Top 40 Flashback - Gregory Abbott

Last week, I started a "25th Wedding Anniversary Theme" by featuring the song that was the first fast dance song at our wedding reception. This week, we'll counter with what was the first song played during mealtime at the reception.

Those who know me will not be surprised to learn that I programmed all of the music for our reception. Having been to way too many weddings where I was frustrated and/or disgusted with the music choices, I wasn't going to take any chances for our own wedding. I still have all the tapes, and we still play them around the time of our anniversary.

"Shake You Down," Gregory Abbott - the #1 song on this date in 1987. A piece of classic, smooth soul - the kind you don't often hear these days. Also worth noting is that Mr. Abbott is an alumnus of both Cal and Stanford, which means that he must hate himself on Big Game week.

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