Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Musical Advent Calendar, Day 3 - Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks

Every year, I put together a Christmas CD for friends and colleagues.  I try to find songs that are less familiar than those that you would hear on the radio or playing in a department store, which is a time-consuming (I usually begin during the summer) but fun process.

This song appeared in my collection in 2012, and is a good representation of the "oddball" types of songs that I look for.

"I've Got Christmas By The Tail," Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks.


Mon-sewer Paul Regret said...

At my wedding in 1973, I recited the lyrics to "I Scare Myself". A few years later we saw Dan at a sparsely-attended show where he was really, really drunk. I told him about my wedding, which he seemed to find hilarious.

Jeff Vaca said...

Oh my...