Sunday, September 29, 2019

One of These Days, I'll Learn: Billie Eilish

When she first hit the airwaves, I was mystified - I just didn't get it.  And then she was everywhere, including the cover of Rolling Stone.

That's OK, I thought - hell, at 59 years old, old enough to be her grandfather; this music wasn't meant for me.  You can't like everything, right?

And then this, from last night's season premiere of Saturday Night Live.  I was pretty tired and struggling to stay awake, but made it through the entire show.  It's fair to say this (and her other performance) is the only thing that stuck in my memory.   This is the kind of song that has a direct line into my psyche.  It's difficult to explain why; it's a much about the sound as it is what the singer is singing about.  But now it's probably just a matter of time before I pick up the entire album.

1 comment:

Ben said...

She's 17. As someone who also (at least biologically) could be her grandfather, I'm floored with her assured, nuanced performances. Much good to come, I think.