Friday, November 15, 2019

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #46 - "I Can't Give Everything Away," David Bowie

I've said before that David Bowie never quite had a direct line to my heart like he did for so many others.  But there's no questioning his greatness; if you want to use the word "genius" I won't complain and I won't argue.

This is the last song on the last album that Bowie recorded.  "Blackstar," much like Warren Zevon's "The Wind," was incredible as much for its circumstances as for its songs.  Like Zevon, Bowie knew he was dying when he recorded it.  That one can argue that it was his best album - which I think you can - is a miracle.

"I Can't Give Everything Away" isn't just the album's last song - it's the album's best song.  It is an example of everything that David Bowie did well during his remarkable and historic career.

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