Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #31 - "Touch," Daft Punk feat. Paul Williams

You can judge for yourself, but I'm pretty sure this is the strangest song on the list.  And if you head over to one of the websites where people theorize on the meaning of song lyrics, you'll see that there are quite a few interpretations of what it all means. 

For me, that's less important than the sheer musical audacity of the whole thing.  The first two minutes - which from time to time, I'm tempted to just skip through - are machine-like, and then the first vocal you hear is that of Paul Williams - Paul Williams, the Phantom of the Paradise himself!  Who even knew that he was still singing.

But it's the last four minutes of the song that turn it from a musical curiosity into a damn masterpiece.  What does it all mean?  I'll settle for it being a statement that even within the insular world of technology and machines, love and beauty can prevail.

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #31 - "Touch," Daft Punk feat. Paul Williams.

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