Thursday, January 30, 2020

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #13 - "Runaway," Kanye West

Oxford defines genius as "exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability."

Oxford defines insane as "in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior or social interaction."

Pick which definition you think best suits Kanye West.  I'd say that in any given moment, both could apply.

Throughout this century, Kanye has been impossible to ignore.  But for the first decade of the century, while his behavior - his antics - were impossible to ignore, I missed his music.  It was only when I heard "My Dark Twisted Fantasy" playing in my son's room, shortly after its release, that the genius part of the equation became impossible to ignore.

For me, this song will always be Kanye doing his best in coming to grips with the contradictions that have defined his public life.  And if one song can define an artist's work, this is his masterpiece.

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #13 - "Runaway," Kanye West.

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