Sunday, January 12, 2020

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #17 - "Cinco Minutos Con Vos," Elvis Costello and The Roots

During the course of a career that is now in its fifth decade, Elvis Costello has covered a lot of musical ground.  He hit the boards as an "angry young man" - never quite punk, but clearly influenced by punk.  He's made a country album, he's collaborated and made an entire album with Burt Bacharach, he's written songs with Paul McCartney, and he's made an album with The Roots.

La Marisoul is the featured performer here along with Costello, and this song has exactly the type of mysterious vibe that I love to hear.  The arrangement is all tension; you think that the tempo will pick up, but it never does - and the song is all the stronger for staying its course.

Top 50 Songs of the Decade, #17 - "Cinco Minutos Con Vos," Elvis Costello and The Roots.

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